Once you accept Christ as Savior you set out on a journey, you’re on this journey until God calls you home or takes you home via the Rapture of the Church. My little sentiments here are just meant to encourage you along that journey. To be that drink of much needed water in the dessert. The hand to help draw you out of the muck of the trail, the warm fire on a cold night. So friend, come on in, make yourself at home.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Parenting: A look at God Himself!

“If Ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?” Luke 11:13

AND HE DOES!!!! The Spirit is exactly what we all need at every moment! And it is exactly what God gives to us. But just as with any gift, we can accept it or reject it (choosing salvation found in Christ or choosing to reject that Salvation found in Christ. We only get the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ as our Savior.

But far too often we accept this gift of the Holy Spirit only to lay it on the shelf, alone and forgotten. Like an old birthday gift that has lost it’s first charm.
We quench Him. We say “no” to His “Yes”. And we grieve Him, we say “yes” to His “no”. We also don’t give Him anything to work with. The Holy Spirit uses God’s Word within our hearts to give us direction and to change our hearts. But too often we leave the Word on the shelf, giving the Holy Spirit no fuel with which to work with. It would be like filling the car with gas but leaving the keys in the house. We get in, but we can’t start it. The power is there (the Holy Spirit never loses His power) as we have gas in the vehicle. But we don’t have a way to start it up.

Every time I give Miriam a gift, it delights my soul to see her enjoy it and gladly accept it. Here I get a small glimpse of what it must be like to God when He gives us gifts J.
But this also swings the other way…if Miriam doesn’t accept my gift, or isn’t delighted, or just plain ignores it altogether…this would upset me…especially after going to all the work to give her joy.
This too, is a small picture of what it must be like for our Father when we are not delighted in His gifts, or when we ignore them. So I pray daily “Lord, open my eyes to your gifts.” And He DOES! There are SO many blessings and gifts with which God blesses us with daily! It is not that we are not blessed, but rather we lack eyes to see that we truly are blessed and we lack eyes to see the gifts which He gives us!

And there is yet, another way this goes. There are times where I have to with-hold a gift from Miriam. And this… this grieves my mama heart folks!
A month ago she refused to eat her lunch, which is not an uncommon thing for her to do from time to time.
She thoroughly enjoys helping me make cookies. Now, my mama heart wants to think that this is because she enjoys spending time with me…but I’m almost certain that the reason she enjoys it so is because of what she gets at the end: to lick the spatula and bowl lol!
I needed to make cookies on this particular day and I had been looking forward to doing this with her after lunch. However, since she refused lunch, I had to teach her a hard lesson. I needed to get her attention and show her that refusing to eat lunch was a wrong choice she had made. The only way to do this was to make cookies without her…and in front of her and not let her lick a single thing!
Oh how it pained my heart to do that!
How I wanted to enjoy her fellowship in making cookies and see the delight upon her face when I allowed her to lick the spatula and bowl!

My Father in heaven, had to do a similar scenario with one of His own daughters: me!
Back last spring, when I miscarried, I was still holding onto my sin of an eating disorder. God needed to get my attention. So instead of granting me my longed for and earnestly prayed for little blessing, He instead gave and then quickly took that precious soul away. I, at the time, saw Him as cold and heartless (wrong thinking I know) but I needed that miscarriage to get a hold of my heart. To grab my attention and get my focus on Him and to realize my wrong and to call on Him for deliverance. Which thankfully because of Him I am more free today than I ever have been and it has been nearly 10 years since I began letting this sin take over my life! HALLELUJAH!

In my grace, I saved Miriam the paddle for another day when she did eat her lunch (which just so happened to be the next day). And in His grace, God did grant me another child on another day. We know her as Rachel Renae, or Squeaky J. She is our rainbow baby!

So sometimes, God does give and sometimes He takes away when needed. Yet still, we say “blessed be the name of the Lord our God!” Now I realize that this verse is talking about the gift of the Holy Spirit, but we also know from scripture that God gives SO many other gifts, and one of them being children J “Behold, children are a GIFT from the Lord!”

And sometimes this goes yet another way entirely. Some think that when God punishes someone, or “chastens” to use the Biblical terminology for how God sometimes gets the attention of those who have been redeemed, some think that when He does this He does it out of anger. Like the hot burning anger of a mother or father who just found their child covered in mud in the middle of the living room. Mud is plastered literally everywhere and company is set to come the next day. Seething with anger, the parent responds in an unbiblical manner and lashes out at the child. Striving to get back at the child for what the child did to them. We call this the retaliation response. This would be reacting instead of acting. This would be punishing out of anger, and anger cannot ever produce in our children the righteousness of God James 1! Anger never works! Yelling never works. Elijah expected God to be in the BIGNESS and He came in the smallness! He expecting a yell and got a whisper instead. This is what God’s kids need, and this is what our kids need too! And to be honest with you a whisper is a whole lot scarier!

Responding to our kids like the scenario above as I said is unbiblical, but for many of us this is either how our parents responded all the time or some of the time. And we often think that “God is altogether like us” when He indeed is so far from! One night a few months ago, I had to give Miriam a spanking. I HATE giving her spankings. I don’t like doing it. Now, I must admit to you that there are times when my sinful flesh and my selfishness gets the better of me. Miriam cramps my style, stops me from being able to enjoy something, or the worst embarrasses me in front of other people. And I respond in my pride with anger instead of grace. I respond with retaliation instead of discipline.

But this particular night, I had to spank her. As I was walking down the hallway to her room I could feel my heart sink lower and lower because I did not want to have to spank her…then it hit me. Like a ton of bricks and brought hot stinging tears to my eyes. This, this is how God must feel (rather this must be as close to a picture of how God must feel because I am but finite and He Infinite). God must on some way higher level, feel pain in having to bring the ones who He loves punishment and chastening.
Whenever He punishes me I think of Him like I think of myself towards Miriam when I am punishing her unbiblically. I think of Him as some kind of wrath filled God that is just out to get me for what I just did. It never registered with me of how it must hurt Him to have to punish one of His own!

And on an even bigger scale how much it must have hurt Him to crush His One and Only Son Jesus! WOW! Just wow! Sometimes I so wish Miriam would just follow the rules and boundaries set for her so I wouldn’t have to punish her. God on an even higher and holier level feels the same about us.
 I truly believe it grieves Him to have to get our attention in the tough stuff of life. I truly believe it crushes Him. Because if it crushes me, a depraved human, it must crush an almighty Holy God Who loves so unconditionally and perfectly 1 Cor. 13!

There are so many pictures of God that I keep finding as I parent, and it just warms my heart and gives me goosebumps! Parenting opens ones eyes more and more to the character and person of God, if we but open our eyes!

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